My Presentation in Avangarda 9 event on 8 August 2014 - Warsaw

Thanks to Paweł "Fluor" Dąbrowski (TrekSfera) who invite me as presenter in Avangarda 9 event (7 - 10 August 2014). This event is a yearly event for sci-fi and fantasy fans in Warsaw.
As Star Trek fans, I like to share Gene Roddenberry's idea which related to gender equality. Therefore, I chose the presentation title: "Fashion, Gender Equality and Star Trek" (note: in power point file, in Avangarda's program was "Gender Equality, Fashion and Star Trek").
It should be the second presentation in Avangarda 9 in next day. It was about Tintin. Unfortunately, the presentation was cancelled due to no attendant.

Brief description of the presentation:
It discussed the relation between fashion and future civilization in Star Trek universe when Gene Roddenberry (GR) involved to produce his TV series. GR as a humanist, has unique visions to promote gender equality, therefore some clothes (TOS & TNG) and uniforms (TNG) were designed to be able to wear for both sex without gender categories.

click the link to download the power point file.
