Visit to Audio Video Show 2017 - Warsaw

There were around 200s booth/demo-room available for the 3-days show at 3 different venues.
- Golden Tulip Hotel
- Raddison Blu Sobieski Hotel
- Stadion Narodowy

Frankly, for me, the 3 days event was more an audiophile than Audio-Video show. It is because of only a few exhibitor for the video segment. The expectation from this big show was to find a new projector system, home IMAX or Atmos demo for home entertainment.

This event was an audiophile heaven! There was a lot to hear from many variants of the hi-end system, from the portable player, headphone, tube-amplifier, turntable, hi-res pre-recorded (Blue-ray audio, super audio CD, vinyl record, tape-reel), smaller speaker till wardrobe size loudspeaker.

Also, It is very interesting as I found & visited two demo rooms of DIY (do it yourself) audiophile. I like DIY things. The reason is that we can build and enjoy the audiophile based on our own design and budget.

further information at
or facebook's event
Audio Video Show 2017
